Noble Drilling has applied for an Acknowledgement of Compliance for the Noble Lloyd Noble mobile drilling facility.
In connection with an AoC application, the PSA conducts audits within selected specialist domains.
From 17 to 19 August 2021, we carried out an audit of Noble Drilling’s maintenance management, drilling and well technology, electrical facilities and logistics in respect of Noble Lloyd Noble.
The objective of the audit was to verify Noble Drilling’s handling of previously identified observations, technical conditions, organisation, preparations for operation and relevant documents in the management system, in order to monitor that technical and operational requirements in the petroleum regulations have been complied with within maintenance management, drilling and well technology, electrical facilities and logistics.
The audit identified nine non-conformities.
The non-conformities related to:
- Non-conformity handling
- Portable equipment – ignition source control
- Work in and operation of electrical facilities
- Deficient maintenance/systems
- Governing documents maintenance
- Internal verifications maintenance
- Certification of lifting equipment in the drilling area
- Training and exercises in managing well control situations
- Securing access to the blowout preventer (BOP)
Follow-up of non-conformities
In line with the notification of audit, as part of this audit, we verified how Noble Drilling has addressed 16 non-conformities previously identified in the processing of the AoC. In the progress of our case processing, we also seek to verify that identified non-conformities are rectified or that compensatory measures are implemented before issuing an AoC.
We have found that the following non-conformities have not been addressed in line with the company’s feedback from previous audits:
- Management system for logistics
- The AoC application and compliance measurements
- Emergency power supply
- Ignition source decoupling
- Electrotechnical system analyses
- Competence, training and exercises
- Training and exercises in managing well control situations
- Deficient maintenance and maintenance system –
- Governing documents
- Internal verifications
What happens now?
We have asked Noble Drilling to report on how the non-conformities will be addressed.
Before we issue an AoC, the company must have corrected all known safety-critical non-conformities, and the facility must have been issued with maritime certificates from the appropriate flag state.