Operators must obtain consent from the regulator at important milestones.
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Vår Energi – consent for exploration drilling in the North SeaPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has granted Vår Energi consent for exploration drilling in block 7/1 in the North Sea.
- Exploration drilling
Equinor – consent for exploration drilling in the North SeaPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has granted Equinor consent for exploration drilling in block 15/9 in the North Sea.
- Exploration drilling
Aker BP – Consent to use Noble InvinciblePublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has granted Aker BP consent to use Noble Invincible for production drilling on the Edvard Grieg field.
- Production drilling
Equinor – Consent for exploration drilling - Smeaheia CCSPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has granted Equinor Low Carbon Solution consent for exploration drilling at Smeaheia CCS with Deepsea Stavanger.
- Exploration drilling
Equinor – consent to use Johan CastbergPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has given Equinor consent to use the facilities on the Johan Castberg field.
- Use of facility
Equinor – Consent for the use of AKOFS SeafarerPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has given Equinor consent for the use of AKOFS Seafarer for light well intervention.
- Use of facility
Equinor – Consent for use of modifications on Åsgard for Halten ØstPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has given Equinor consent for use of modifications on Åsgard A and Åsgard B for Halten Øst.
- Use of facility
Equinor – Consent to use COSLPromoterPublished:Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has given Equinor consent to use the mobile drilling unit COSLPromoter for production drilling on the Vigdis and Tordis fields.
- Production drilling
Vår Energi - consent for exploration drillingPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has given Vår Energi consent for exploration drilling in block 7122/7 in the Barent Sea.
- Exploration drilling
Aker BP - consent for exploration drillingPublished:The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has given Aker BP consent for exploration drilling in block 6405/7 in the Norwegian Sea.