Established in the autumn of 2000, this body comprises representatives from government agencies and both sides of the industry.
The forum is chaired by the PSA. Its primary job is to promote work on safety and the working environment in the Norwegian oil and gas sector by:
- providing an arena for discussing and following up relevant safety and working environment issues
- facilitating good collaboration between companies, unions and government
- being a reference group for projects which have been or are due to be initiated by companies, unions or government.
Through work in the forum, key issues are jointly identified and the parties discuss ways to resolve them. This arena is also used actively to spread knowledge across the industry and to discuss strategies and priorities for HSE work.
Everything done in the forum is documented and made easily accessible to others who do not participate directly in its work. This contributes to open and binding processes.
Over the years, a number of important processes for ensuring continuous improvement in the level of HSE for the petroleum sector have been entrenched through the forum.
The following organisations are represented in the Safety Forum:
- Norwegian Oil and Gas Association
- Federation of Norwegian Industries
- Norwegian Shipowners Association
- Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe)
- Norwegian Organisation of Managers and Executives (Lederne)
- The Cooperating Organisations (DSO - the Norwegian Union of Marine Engineers and the Norwegian Maritime Officers' Association)
- Norwegian Union of Industry and Energy Workers(IE)
- Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO)
- United Federation of Trade Unions
- Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals (Tekna)
- Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists (Nito)
- The Electrician and IT workers union