Noble Drilling has applied for an Acknowledgement of Compliance for the Noble Lloyd Noble mobile drilling facility. In connection with an AoC application, the PSA conducts audits within selected specialist domains. From 3 to 7 May 2021, we carried out an audit of the drilling facility on Noble Lloyd Noble.


The audit was based on Noble Drilling’s application for an Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC) for Noble Lloyd Noble and the company’s establishment of a management system for the drilling and well technology domain.


Four non-conformities were identified, relating to:

  • Management system for drilling operations
  • Training and exercises in managing well control situations
  • Storage and handling of explosives
  • Signage

In addition, three improvement points were identified concerning:

  • Local manometers on the choke manifold
  • Own verifications
  • Competence

What happens next?

We have asked Noble Drilling to report on how the non-conformities will be addressed and for their assessment of the improvement points observed. The deadline for this is set at 28 June 2021.

Before we issue an AoC, the company must have corrected all known safety-critical non-conformities, and the facility must have been issued with maritime certificates from the appropriate flag state.