If you know which document(s) you want to access, you can send an e-mail directly to postboks@havtil.no.


The eInnsyn (electronic access) service (in Norwegian only) allows you to search for and order access to documents from all administrative agencies. Orders to us are treated as requests for access.

Exceptions to access

Pursuant to section 3 of the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act, exceptions to access must be “provided by statute or by regulations pursuant thereto”.

Sections 13-26 of the Act specify a number of key legal exceptions. Access must be denied to any information covered by a duty of confidentiality. It can also be refused in certain cases for other information and documents.

Charges for access

The main rule is that access pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act will be free of charge. However, regulations issued pursuant to section 8 of the Act specify that charges can nevertheless be levied in some instances.

We often receive far-reaching requests for access, which can be very demanding for our organisation in terms of resources. We therefore make a charge for providing access to documents as specified in section 4 of the Freedom of Information Act, depending on their scope or nature.