Global politics

The background to this name change is first and foremost political. Norway supports the goals set for reducing the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions, with the government and the Storting (parliament) staking out a new path. Many of the global changes of direction concern the production and use of energy. The world must change, and so must those working to administer this sector.

We’ve been preparing for this change in the PSA for a long time. Backed on a high level of safety expertise in the oil and gas industry, we possess knowledge which also plays a key role in formulating regulations and supervising safety for other industrial energy production offshore.

Based on this experience and a staff of relevant, qualified specialists, we have been entrusted with wider responsibilities in recent years. Regulatory authority was devolved to us for carbon transport and storage in 2018, renewable energy at sea (offshore wind power) in 2020 and seabed minerals in 2022. Responsibilities pursuant to the Norwegian Security Act were also added in 2023.

The expertise we’ve built up over more than 50 years will make an important contribution to the continued energy journey. That will also apply to many other players and companies in the oil and gas sector.

Sea and shore hand in hand

Our change of name occurred on the same day we celebrated our 20th anniversary in our current form. But, as noted above, we have more that half-a-century of service as a safety regulator behind us.

We began life in 1972 as part of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), which was originally responsible for both resource management and safety on the NCS.

Separated off in 2004 as the PSA, we were also given responsibility at that time for supervising all land-based plants associated with the petroleum industry in Norway.

New name, same goal

Our strategy as Havtil specifies that we will contribute to the government’s goal for a green transition.

But everyone knows that the energy industry won’t be changing over night – far from it. Norway will remain an oil and gas nation for many more years. The transition has only just begun.

As we continue to exercise our societal function in the time to come, this does not mean in any way that we’re less concerned about safety and the working environment for everyone engaged with oil and gas production on the NCS.

Our goal is the same as it has always been – to help safeguard life and health for everyone covered by our supervisory regime.

We are Havtil – an agency dedicated to everyone working to secure energy for world, confidence in the future and resources.

This is a responsibility we take very seriously. On behalf of everyone.