The aim is to consolidate Havtil’s follow-up of serious incidents and help towards better incident prevention in the sector by means of:
- improving the process for the receipt and follow-up of incidents.
- promoting greater expertise among Havtil’s investigation teams to better focus on human and organisational factors.
- better accessibility to higher quality data linked to investigations.
- an improved digital incident reporting system, combined with further development of the Trends in Risk Level (RNNP) system.
- improved information sharing from incidents in order to promote learning.
Each year, about 1,000 incidents are reported to Havtil. These provide us with a robust database and a platform for learning enhancement in the sector. In 2023, in collaboration with DNV, we have established a separate project with the aim of boosting the quality of incident notification and reporting, ensuring that we receive correct and relevant data.
Our regulations require that incidents must be reported to Havtil, and each year we receive a large number of such reports. These provide us with a robust database that we use to promote learning and incident prevention.
This project serves to highlight the regulations, information flow, work processes and incident management tools.
In terms of our investigations, in 2023 we have held a series of meetings with DNV at which we examined relevant investigation methods and method selection criteria. We have also begun preparations for three pilot projects in 2024, where we will test a selection of investigation methods and tools.
A key aim of the project is to follow up the recommendations in the Safety Forum's 2019 report that addressed learning following incidents and the need to involve the industry in learning-related initiatives.
As early as in 2022, these recommendations were taken up as part of a joint project with SINTEF aimed at preparing guidelines designed to better highlight the role of human factors (HF) in investigations, combined with a toolbox for situations that require taking an in-depth look at certain issues.
Human factors
In 2023, an in-house course in the use of the HF tool was held at Havtil, since when it has been tested as part of several investigations. The tool is seen as a useful supplement, helping us to better understand the underlying human causes of incidents.
Results from an investigation in which the HF tool was applied have been presented at a number of different fora.
The project also forms part of an international work effort. Havtil participates in the International Regulators' Forum (IRF) which has been encouraging the global petroleum industry to improve investigation performance and learning from incidents.
The project will continue in 2024 with the aim of consolidating Havtil’s incident follow-up activities. We have also established an advisory group that monitors our work related to incident follow-up and investigation.
Collaboration with the industry and academia will help us to further develop our investigations and enhance the quality of incident follow-up.
This article has been taken from the 2023 Havtil Annual Report, submitted to the Norwegian Ministry of Energy. Read the Annual Report in full here: Annual report 2023: The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority