One reason why the government resolved last autumn to change our name from the PSA to Havtil is that our responsibilities have steadily expanded in recent years.
Let’s recap.
- In 2018, we were given regulatory responsibility for safety and the working environment in CO₂ transport and injection. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an important measure for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, and storing CO₂ beneath the North Sea could be crucial for reaching Norway’s climate goals.
- In 2020, we acquired the same authority for renewable energy production at sea. Offshore wind has many similarities with petroleum operations, and we will ensure that safety in this emerging sector is taken good care of through effective regulation and supervision.
- In 2022, responsibility was delegated for safety and emergency preparedness in future recovery of seabed minerals from the NCS. Such deposits are currently being mapped with the aid of technology and expertise from the petroleum industry.
- In 2023, we were given supervisory responsibility pursuant to the Security Act for the petroleum industry.
Regardless of these changes, our goal remains the same – to help safeguard life and health for everyone covered by our supervisory regime. But we will be working under a new name from 1 January.
In our view, Havtil – short for the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority – is a good title. Petroleum operations offshore and on land will continue to be very important for Norway – and for us. But our new designation points the way forward, and accommodates both existing and emerging offshore industrial activity.
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