The audit was conducted from 18 to 26 September 2024.
The objective of the audit was to assess how Vår Energi ensures compliance with the authorities’ requirements relating to major accident prevention and acute personal injuries in respect of the design and follow-up of selected technical safety functions.
Follow-up of non-conformities
During the audit, we verified how Vår Energi has addressed certain previously identified non-conformities.
We found that the following non-conformities had not been addressed in line with the company’s feedback of 15 November 2017:
- Non-conformity concerning “Follow-up of performance requirements” from chapter 5.1.1 of the report following the audit of 26 June 2017; our journal entry 2017/64-12.
- Non-conformity concerning “Performance requirements” from chapter 5.1.2 of the report following the audit of 26 June 2017.
The audit identified six regulatory non-conformities. These concern:
- Barrier management
- Manning
- Performance requirements
- Non-conformity handling
- Overpressure protection
- Documentation
During the audit, we identified a lack of follow-up of previous non-conformities and new breaches of the regulations. The regulatory breaches are considered to be serious.
On this basis, we have issued Vår Energi with the following order:
Pursuant to the Framework Regulations, section 69 concerning administrative decisions, Vår Energi is ordered to:
- Systematically review and map available manning and competence in the company’s onshore organisation, and on this basis implement measures to ensure that the company has sufficient resources at its disposal for complying with required and planned activities, as ensues from requirements stipulated in the health, safety and environmental legislation, with reference to the Management Regulations, section 5 concerning barriers, section 12, para 2, concerning planning, section 14, para 1, concerning manning and competence, section 22, para 2, concerning the handling of non-conformities. (Ref. chapter 5.1.2 of our report).
- Correct previously detected non-conformities, with reference to the Management Regulations, section 22, para 2, concerning the handling of non-conformities. (Ref. chapter 4.2 of our report).
- Present a schedule of specific measures for addressing items 1 and 2 of the order, including a description of any compensatory measures to be implemented until non-conformities have been rectified, with reference to the Management Regulations, section 12 concerning planning, and section 22 concerning the handling of non-conformities.
The deadline for complying with items 1 and 2 of the order is set at 2 June 2025. The deadline for complying with item 3 of the order is set at 10 January 2025. Havtil is to be notified when the company considers that each of the items in the order has been accomplished.