The audit was conducted from 28 November to 7 December 2023. 


The objective of the audit was to assess how Seadrill is ensuring compliance with the authorities’ and its own requirements in respect of operations and maintenance in the drilling areas on West Phoenix.


The audit identified 11 non-conformities, concerning:

  • Prevention of falling objects
  • Safe operations and proper maintenance
  • Facility-specific training and exercises
  • Use of personal protective equipment
  • Maintenance of deck gratings
  • Maintenance of structures
  • Maintenance programme
  • Planning and prioritisation
  • Security clearance of activities
  • Documentation of pressure and function testing
  • Operation of kill and choke manifolds

We also observed two factors that we have chosen to categorise as improvement points. These concerned:

  • Governing documents for maintenance
  • Competence in safe maintenance

What happens now?

We have asked Seadrill to report to us by 19 February 2024 on how the non-conformities will be addressed, and for their assessment of the improvement points observed.