The audit was conducted on 11 and 12 March 2024.
The background to the audit is the fabrication history of Johan Castberg related to welding faults and defects in maritime systems. Havtil and Equinor have had different opinions on whether it will be possible to bring Johan Castberg up to the same level of quality as similar facilities, by means of inspection and repair in the fabrication.
The objective of the audit was to gain insight into how Equinor takes into account the fabrication history of Johan Castberg in its programme of condition monitoring of structures and maritime systems, and on what basis Equinor can assert that it is possible to bring Johan Castberg up to the same level of quality as similar facilities, by means of inspection and repair in the fabrication.
In addition, through the audit, we are seeking insight into the assessments that have been made in relation to the first-year inspection of the facility.
Challenges related to welding quality on Johan Castberg were reported to the PSA at the licensing meeting (MC) on 25 June 2020. We have followed this up in investigations, audits and meetings. Havtil and Equinor have had different opinions on whether it will be possible to bring Johan Castberg up to the same level of quality as similar facilities, by means of inspection and repair in the fabrication; see, in this regard, the non-conformity concerning "Defective fabrication quality" from Chapter 5.1.2 of the report following the audits of 23 February 2021 and 25-26 February 2021, our journal entry 2020/1837.
Equinor has prepared a report with the aim of quantifying the quality difference between Johan Castberg and similar facilities. This report was a topic for the audit, and one non-conformity was detected concerning inadequate decision support.
What happens now?
We have asked Equinor to report by 24 June 2024 on how the non-conformities will be addressed.