On 29 February 2024, we conducted an audit of Shelf Drilling concerning structural elements of Shelf Drilling Barsk. This is a facility that was granted an AoC under Noble Drilling Norway AS (Noble).


The objective of the audit was to verify, through spot checks, discussions and verifications, that the subsea inspection of Shelf Drilling Barsk was performed satisfactorily and comprised representative areas for potential HISC detection. A further objective was to verify certain ambiguities in the facility’s AoC application.

Previous non-conformities

The facility had two previous relevant non-conformities from the “Report following audit of structural safety and maritime systems of Noble Lloyd Noble” (the facility’s previous name), case number 2020/1986 dated 21 May 2021. These were followed up as part of this audit as follows:

  • Non-conformity: Alarm on watertight doors. A long-term exemption was granted.
  • Non-conformity: Mechanical locking function. A long-term exemption was granted.


We did not identify any new non-conformities during the audit, but identified one improvement point concerning subsea inspection of the legs.

What happens now?

We have asked Shelf Drilling to provide us with its assessment of the improvement point observed. The deadline for this is set at 8 April 2024.

Before we issue an AoC, the company must have corrected all known safety-critical non-conformities, and the facility must have been issued with maritime certificates from the appropriate flag state.