The audit was conducted from 5 to 8 June 2023 with assistance from the Civil Aviation Authority Norway.
The objective of the audit was to ensure that the responsible parties are working systematically to reduce the risk associated with helicopter operations at Noble Drilling Norge AS’s offshore facilities, and verify the management of helideck operations on board Noble Integrator. The audit involved the part of the onshore organisation responsible for following up regulatory requirements, as well as a physical audit of the helideck on Noble Integrator.
In addition to helicopter operations, previous non-conformities within emergency preparedness were also subject to verification.
We identified two non-conformities during the audit. These concerned:
- The foam extinguishing system on the helideck
- Competence and training of the MOB team
We also identified three improvement points. These concerned:
- Dual Agent Hose Reel (DAHR)
- Sprinkler system for the fuel tanks
- Alarm instructions
On the helideck, there were nine improvement points/observations. These can be found in a separate non-conformity list from CAA Norway, at the bottom of this page.
Follow-up of previous non-conformities
During the audit, we also investigated how Noble Drilling has addressed certain previously identified non-conformities.
We found that the following non-conformities had not been addressed in line with the company’s feedback:
- Non-conformity concerning “System for training the emergency preparedness organisation offshore” from chapter 5.1.2 of the report pursuant to the audit of 18 October 2019.
- Non-conformity concerning competence and training of the MOB team from chapter 5.1.1 of the report pursuant to the audit of emergency preparedness of 18 October 2019.
What happens now?
We have asked Noble Drilling to report to us by 31 August 2023 on how the non-conformities will be addressed, and for their assessment of the improvement points identified.