The audit was conducted on 18 and 19 October 2023.


The objective of the audit was to verify that Aker BP follows up the anchoring systems on Alvheim and Skarv in accordance with requirements in the HSE regulations. We also wanted to monitor Aker BP's work on modification of the anchoring system at Alvheim (replacement of anchor lines).

No continuous measurements and logging of stretch in the anchor lines in the anchoring systems on Skarv and Alvheim are carried out. We therefore also wished to investigate how Aker BP detects ruptures in one or more anchor lines, and how they verify that the tension in the anchor lines meets the design assumptions.


No non-conformities in relation to regulatory requirements were identified, but the audit identified five improvement points within:

  • low reliability for detection of anchor line rupture at Alvheim
  • uncertainty about the condition of the anchoring system at Skarv
  • uncertainty about the condition of the anchoring system at Alvheim
  • inadequate SRS models for anchoring
  • procedure for decision to shut down in extreme weather.

What happens now?

We have asked Aker BP for their assessment of the improvement points identified. The reply deadline is set at 15 December 2023.