The audit was conducted on 13 and 14 June 2022 and focused on Okea's planning and implementation of the production drilling of well 6407/9-H-1 Hasselmus using COSL Promoter.


The objective of the audit was to verify that OKEA and its subcontractors are complying with the regulatory requirements during planning and implementation of the production drilling and completion of well 6407/9-H-1 Hasselmus. We also wanted to verify how OKEA ensures the involvement of contractors, and that, in undertaking drilling operations, well integrity and safety are robustly protected. Furthermore, we sought to monitor that there is sufficient capacity and competence in the planning and implementation phase of the operation.


No non-conformities were identified during the audit.

Three improvement points were identified. These concerned:

  • Documentation of the qualification of primary barriers for the temporary plugging and abandonment of the Hasselmus gas producer
  • Use of own management system for documentation of non-conformities
  • Follow-up of internal requirements for well control competence

What happens now?

We have asked Okea to give us their assessment of the improvement points observed by 9 September 2022.