The audit was conducted from 4 to 7 August 2020.
The objective of the audit was to follow up on audits within this supervisory area previously carried out on the facility, and to verify that
- crane and lifting operations are performed in accordance with applicable regulations.
- lifting in the drilling area is performed in accordance with applicable regulations.
- maintenance is carried out in accordance with plans and guidelines from the manufacturers of the equipment and machinery comprised by the audit.
- previously identified non-conformities have been addressed in compliance with the feedback the company has given us.
The following non-conformities were identified during the audit:
- Deficient follow-up of enterprise of competence
- Updating of procedures
- Use of norms
- Deficient follow-up of aging lifting equipment
In addition, the following issues categorised as improvement points were observed:
- Incident reporting
- Training in use of personnel basket
- Maintenance efficiency
- Maintenance of equipment and infrastructure
Follow-up of previous non-conformities
As part of this audit, we verified how Wintershall Dea had addressed non-conformities identified in our audit of cranes and lifting operations and maintenance management in the spring of 2015.
We found that the following non-conformities have not been addressed in line with the company’s feedback of 8 May 2015:
- Non-conformity concerning deficiencies in maintenance and maintenance systems
- Non-conformity concerning defective system for ensuring necessary quality of governing documents
What happens next?
We have asked Wintershall Dea to report on how the non-conformities will be addressed. We have also asked for their assessment of the improvement points observed. The deadline for this is set at 12 October 2020.