The audit was conducted from 28 September to 2 October 2020.
During the audit, we wanted to see how the facility and its plan for development and operation (PDO) are operationalised, especially in respect of the management of stability, watertight and weathertight integrity, ballast systems and waves in deck.
The objective of the audit was to verify whether the management of stability, watertight and weathertight integrity, ballast systems and waves in deck comply with relevant regulations.
The audit was based on relevant sections of:
- the Framework Regulations
- the Management Regulations
- the Activities Regulations
- the Ballast Regulations (67/16)
- the Stability Regulations (878/91)
- the Construction Regulations (856/87)
During the audit, we identified six regulatory breaches. These consisted of:
- unintentional opening of ballast valves
- overview of watertight integrity
- weathertight doors
- weathertight sliding doors
- weathertight air ducts
- secondary control level.
Five improvement points were also identified. These concerned GZ curves, freeboard plan, watertight hinged hatches, weathertight hydraulic hatches and watertight sliding doors.
What happens next?
We have asked Seadrill to report on how the non-conformities will be addressed. We have also requested the company’s assessment of the observations we have categorised as improvement points. The deadline for reply is set at 26 November 2020.