The audit was conducted from 18 to 20 May 2020 and focused on responsibilities, competence, operation and maintenance of communication systems for the Draugen facility.
The objective of the audit was to verify how Okea is meeting the regulations and its own requirements within barrier management during operation, as well as in the maintenance of communication systems and traffic monitoring. We also wanted to verify how the role of responsible person for communication systems was being assured. Equally, we wanted to see how relevant matters were being addressed as concerns the Covid-19 situation.
We identified three regulatory breaches during the audit. These concerned:
- Training and drills
- Risk assessment of health hazards from electromagnetic fields
- Deficient mapping of potential ignition sources
In addition, four improvement points were identified relating to:
- Involvement of the role of responsible person for communication systems
- Requirement for immediate notification in the event of hazard and accident situations
- Performance requirements for barrier elements relating to emergency communications and ships on a collision course
- Familiarity of operating personnel with governing documents
What happens now?
We have asked Okea to report on how the non-conformities will be addressed and to provide their assessment of the improvement points observed. The deadline for reply is set at 3 September 2020.