The audit was conducted from 11 to 13 December 2019.
In 2018, we carried out an audit of Esso and their follow-up of materials handling, including cranes and lifting, SIP/AT (scaffolding, insulation and painting/access techniques) and the management of the working environment at Slagentangen. This audit identified regulatory non-conformities and improvement points, on which basis we issued Esso with an order.
In a new audit in December 2019, we wished to verify that previously identified non-conformities and the order we issued had been addressed in compliance with Esso’s response to us.
The objective of the audit was to verify the outcomes of an audit of the follow-up of
materials handling, cranes, lifting and scaffolding/AT at Esso's facility at Slagentangen.
Follow-up of previous audits
In line with the content of the notice of audit, we verified how the company had addressed previously identified non-conformities/improvement points from the audit of September 2018 and subsequent order.
We found that three non-conformities had been addressed in line with Esso’s feedback to us.
- The non-conformity “lifting personnel with equipment not approved for such work”
- The non-conformity “inadequate quality assurance of enterprise of competence”
- The non-conformity “inadequate system for maintaining steel wire rope”
We found that the following conditions had not been fully addressed in line with the regulations and Esso’s feedback to us:
- The non-conformity “missing documentation – procedure for lifting operations”
- The non-conformity “inadequate follow-up of scaffolding contractor”
- The improvement point “improve system for marking and storing lifting equipment taken out of use”
- The improvement point “improve access to and use of documentation for lifting equipment”
- The improvement point “improve system for training users of scaffolding”.
In the audit, one non-conformity remained unaddressed. This concerned:
- Follow-up of scaffolding contractor
What happens now?
We have asked Esso to report by 28 February 2020 on how the non-conformity and improvement points will be addressed.