In April 2018 we carried out an audit of Prosafe and the operator Equinor (then called Statoil) and their management of emergency preparedness, logistics, the working environment and employee participation on Safe Scandinavia.

Safe Scandinavia is a mobile accommodation facility operated by Prosafe. The facility was issued with an Acknowledgement of Compliance (AOC) by the PSA in April 2007.


The objective of the audit was to follow up previous audits of Prosafe and Safe Scandinavia, orders relating to the identification and follow-up of non-conformities, Equinor's supervisory activities, whistleblowing reports and incident follow-up.


In the audit, we identified a number of non-conformities and improvement points within the areas of emergency preparedness, logistics, working environment and employee participation.

We have asked Prosafe to report by 25 June 2018 on how the non-conformities will be addressed, and for their assessment of the improvement points identified.