The audit was a follow-up of the Acknowledgement of Compliance (AOC) decision for the Askeladden facility, dated 25.10.2017, and the consent to use Askeladden of the same date. This involved verifying that the operations using Askeladden have robust and competent preparedness for handling well control incidents.
The objective of the activity was to audit how Equinor assumed its supervisory duty with regard to KCAD’s management of the operations, including materials handling. This included verifying that the planning and execution of lifting operations met the requirements, as well as following up the maintenance of lifting equipment so that it contributed to reducing the risk of accidents and injury in respect of materials handling. The audit aimed to verify that Equinor, in collaboration with KCAD and well service companies on board Askeladden, complied with the regulatory requirements for planning, risk assessment and execution of drilling, completion and well operations.
Three non-conformities were identified in the following areas:
- Outstanding rectification of previous observations on Askeladden and Askepott
- Inadequate knowledge of procedures
- Technical conditions in the mud processing facility and venting of oil mist
In addition, seven improvement points were identified relating to:
- Employee participation
- Clarification of roles and follow-up of competence
- Transfer of information
- Management system for safe use of lifting equip
- Roles and responsibilities for lifting operations
- Design and organisation of safe lifting operations
- Work arrangements
KCAD and Equinor have been given a deadline of 1 January 2019 to report on how the non-conformities and improvement points will be addressed.