The audit was carried out in the period 20 February to 5 March 2018.


The objective of the audit was to verify that the operator Gassco and the technical service provider Statoil are ensuring safe operation of the processing facility at Draupner, including the associated transport system.

Among other things, we verified the management of maintenance and how barriers are provided for in operations.
Another aspect of the audit was the allocation of responsibilities and work tasks between Gassco and Statoil.


The audit revealed non-conformities relating to process safety.

In addition, improvement points were identified in connection with:

  • Fire protection
  • Ruptures in the event of fire
  • Weaknesses in the plant
  • Control and monitoring system
  • Nitrogen flushing of the flare system
  • Pressure relief

Gassco AS has been given a deadline of 1 June 2018 to report on how the non-conformities and improvement points will be addressed.


The Draupner S and Draupner E facilities are part of the gas transport pipeline network on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Gassco is the operator and uses Equinor as the technical services provider (TSP). The Draupner S facility was put into service in April 1985, as part of the Statpipe system. The Draupner E facility was installed in 1994 as part of the Europipe I pipeline from the Sleipner field to Emden in Germany.