Between 8 and 10 March 2016, the PSA carried out a working environment audit relating to Statoil's plan for operation of Gullfaks A beyond its design life.
The audit is part of the PSA's main prioritisation of "late life", where the aim is to help facilities and installations in the Norwegian petroleum activities to maintain and develop high levels of safety and working environment in this phase too.
The purpose of the audit was to evaluate whether Statoil's management for qualifying Gullfaks A for continued operation up to 2036 meets the OHAS regulations, and whether the facility is designed so as to ensure that workers are not exposed to working environment factors that exceed the levels specified in the regulations and referenced standards.
Non-conformities were identified concerning
- Chemicals-related health risk
- Risk of noise-induced hearing damage
In addition, improvement points were detected concerning
- Exhaust exposure in the drilling area
- Working environment in the shaker area
Statoil has been given a deadline of 20 May 2016 to report on how the non-conformities will be dealt with and how the improvement points will be assessed.