The purpose of the audit was to verify that Island Offshore had established a systematic management system for occupational health and safety and emergency preparedness, and that, as the operator, Statoil had followed up its supervisory duty in these areas.


Four non-conformities were identified in connection with:

  • System for managing OHAS
  • System for managing emergency preparedness
  • Chemicals
  • Supervisory responsibilities

In addition, two improvement points were identified in connection with:

  • Use of the Norwegian language
  • Employee participation

Statoil and Island Offshore have been given a deadline of 12 October 2015 to report on how the non-conformities and improvement points will be dealt with.


Entails that a condition is assessed as not complying with a regulatory requirement.

Improvement point:

Entails that we have identified a deficiency or weakness, without there being sufficient grounds for determining a breach of regulatory requirements.