On 26 October 2012, Transocean Offshore Ltd NUF received an Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC) for the Transocean Barents drilling facility.

Transocean Barents (pictured) is a 6th generation semi-submersible drilling facility, type H-6e. It was built at the Aker Stord shipyard in Norway and completed in 2009.

Transocean Barents is owned and operated by Transocean Norway, headquartered in Stavanger.

The facility previously received an Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC) in 2009, then as the Aker Barents. A new AoC must be applied for when changing rig ownership, since the AoC also comprises the company’s management system.


Transocean Barents and relevant parts of Transocean Offshore Ltd NUF’s organisation and management systems are considered to comply with relevant regulatory requirements for petroleum activity.

The validity of this Acknowledgement of Compliance assumes that Transocean Offshore Ltd NUF ensures that the facility and relevant parts of the company’s organisation and management systems are maintained, to fulfil terms and conditions set out in the PSA’s decision.