Safe Boreas is a semi-submersible accommodation facility, delivered by Jurong Shipyard of Singapore.


It is the PSA's assessment that petroleum activities may be carried out using the Safe Boreas facility within the regulatory framework.

The validity of this Acknowledgement of Compliance assumes that Prosafe Offshore Limited ensures that the facility and relevant parts of the company’s organisation and management systems are maintained, to fulfil terms and conditions set out in the PSA’s decision.

Audits in connection with the AoC application

In connection with the AoC application by Prosafe Offshore Limited, the PSA carried out audits within a number of selected disciplines (audit reports in Norwegian are attached):

Structural safety, emergency preparedness and helicopter deck – with assistance from the Norwegian Maritime Directorate

  • Follow-up audit of emergency preparedness
  • Working environment, logistics, maintenance, barriers and safety systems
  • Health-related factors – with assistance from the County Governor
  • Helicopter deck – with assistance from the Civil Aviation Authority Norway