Photo of Island Innovator
Island Drilling Company AS (Island Drilling) has received the PSA’s Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC) for the Island Innovator mobile drilling facility. Photo: Island Drilling


Our decision is based on the information provided in the AoC application concerning the technical condition of the facility and the applicant's organisation and management system, as well as the authorities' verifications and other case processing.

The validity of the AoC assumes that Island Drilling ensures that the facility and relevant parts of the company’s organisation and management system are maintained so as to fulfil the terms and conditions set out in the PSA’s decision.

Audits in connection with the AoC application

The facility first received an Acknowledgement of Compliance in 2013, when it was operated by Odfjell Drilling AS.

At that time, the PSA carried out audits of a number of selected domains:

  • Logistics
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Drilling and well equipment

As part of Island Drilling’s taking over of operatorship, the company has applied for a new AoC for Island Innovator. The PSA has followed up this process through meetings and a separate audit of the organisation and management system.