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§ 76 Emergency preparedness plans

Emergency preparedness plans shall be established that at all times describe the emergency preparedness and contain action plans for the defined hazard and accident situations.
Plans for emergency preparedness against acute pollution shall document the emergency preparedness resources that are included, response times, and performance and capacity in relation to the prerequisites of the environmental risk and emergency preparedness analyses. Relevant combatting methods shall be described in the emergency preparedness plan.
Section last changed: 01 January 2016

The emergency preparedness plans should include
  1. a description of purpose, scope and responsibility,
  2. a description of organisation, notification, mobilisation and communication,
  3. action plans,
  4. a description of fields and facility(-ies) and prioritised vulnerable environmental values in the impact area for acute pollution,
  5. a description of unit resources, area resources, regional resources and external resources and equipment,
  6. instructions for emergency preparedness personnel,
  7. any coordination procedures vis-à-vis other involved parties, cf. Section 74, second and third subsections,
  8. any cooperation procedures and agreements, cf. Section 78.
Action plans as mentioned in litera c of these guidelines, should cover, inter alia,
  1. emergency preparedness strategy, emergency preparedness measures and decision criteria for the emergency preparedness phases,
  2. in order to handle acute pollution, the emergency preparedness strategy should comprise objectives for protection of prioritised vulnerable environmental values. The description of emergency preparedness measures and decision criteria for the various emergency preparedness phases should include response times for relevant emergency preparedness measures, detection and mapping, choice of emergency preparedness measures based on minimum environmental harm considerations, shore clean-up and environmental surveys in case of acute pollution,
  3. for the health-related emergency preparedness, treatment of
  1. personal injuries in the event of major accident situations,
  2. personal injuries in the event of industrial accidents,
  3. acute illness,
  4. psychological reactions,
  5. communicable diseases,
  6. poisoning.
To fulfil the requirement relating to emergency preparedness plans, the NORSOK U-100N standard, Chapter 9.1, should be used for manned underwater operations.
With regard to Chapter 19 of the Pollution Control Regulations (in Norwegian only), certain supporting documents have been prepared as an aid to enterprises wishing to include dispersion as a method of emergency preparedness. They consist of “Control form for use of dispersants” and “Decision form for use of dispersants with guidelines”. Further information can be found on the websites of the Norwegian Environment Agency ( and the Norwegian Coastal Administration (