§ 22 Safety and working environment training pursuant to the Working Environment Act
Managers and others with responsibility for decisions that affect the working environment, shall be provided the same training as members of working environment committees and safety delegates.
The individual employee and manager shall be provided with training in working environment factors of significance for conducting their work.
Managers with direct responsibility for work with radioactive sources shall have completed theoretical and practical radiation protection training.
The employees shall be provided necessary training in health and safety matters, and the training shall take place during working hours. Criteria shall be set for what constitutes necessary training.
Training as mentioned in the fourth subsection, shall be provided upon employment, transfer or change of work tasks, introduction of new work equipment or changes to the equipment and upon introduction of new technology that applies to the individual's workplace or work tasks.
The training shall be adapted to the changed or new risk in the enterprise, and repeated when necessary.
Section last changed:
01 January 2011