This report is an update of the knowledge base in "OD 91-12: Report on comparison of saturation dive tables and preparation of framework conditions for standardisation".

The report has been prepared for Havtil by NUI A/S and describes and compares available diving procedures from several offshore diving contractors.

The report also reviews the scientific basis of other similar saturation frameworks and compares the results.


The saturation diving frameworks described in the NORSOK U-100 Manned underwater operations standard differ slightly from what individual companies recommend for compression of divers to storage depths (depth where saturation divers reside in a chamber) deeper than 100 metres.

The compression rate may have an impact on individual health and/or safety for a period after stabilisation.

In the case of shallower saturation diving, the current framework in the NORSOK U-100 Manned underwater operations standard provides short excursion limits (ascents or descents from storage depth) in the depth range of 14-30 metres.

It may be valuable to repeat parts of the work done in 1991 (OD report 91-12) to gain an overview of the potential developments in recent years among the largest diving suppliers for the depth range between 100-250 metres.

This report therefore offers the potential for increased knowledge. This is especially true for compression of divers into saturation and divers’ excursions from storage depth.