For a number of years, there has been a particular focus on the industrial ICT systems and the companies’ efforts to protect them.
The PSA has emphasised the need for vigilance and for the companies to verify their own responsiveness. We have also been a driving force for, and contributor to, better knowledge about ICT-security-related risks.
View the video: Stronger spotlight on ICT security
New technological solutions, data sharing and interconnection of systems are providing the oil industry with positive benefits – but are also contributing to increased vulnerability.
Knowledge development
From 2018 to 2021, we carried out a number of study and research activities aimed at various aspects of robustness in industrial ICT systems.
See completed reports available in English:
ICT security – robustness in the petroleum sector
Regulation of ICT security in the petroleum sector (part 1) - SINTEF (PDF)
Principles of digitalisation and IT-OT integration (part 1) - SINTEF (PDF)
Use of models in drilling (part 1) - SINTEF (PDF)
ICT security and Independence (part 1) - SINTEF (PDF)
Reporting of incidents in automated systems during drilling operations (part 1) - SINTEF (PDF)
Protection of data at rest and in transit - Sopra Steria (PDF)
For an overview of Norwegian reports, please visit the Norwegian webpage.