Summing up essential aspects of the main project, this highly readable publication  - "A book about learning" -  contains key insights into learning. It includes examples and questions to inspire discussion and reflection, and is aimed at everyone in the industry.

We hope that the booklet will help industry players to discover productive learning solutions, based on their own ambitions and positions. For this reason, the booklet offers no simple solutions or recipes for learning, and is instead intended to challenge, engage and stimulate reflection and action.

Culture and system for learning

The inspirational booklet is part of "Culture and system of learning", an interdisciplinary project in partnership with SINTEF.

Research and literature on the topic of learning have traditionally been associated with lessons learned in the wake of accidents. We wanted to look more at how knowledge and learning are cultivated on a continuous and proactive basis, not just as stop-gaps following an incident.

The concept of learning is not referred to directly in the HSE regulations, but follows indirectly from the regulatory requirements concerning management, continuous improvement, having centralised processes and procedures in place, the need for competence and involvement and for the dissemination and application of knowledge, and the fostering of a sound HSE culture.

On this basis, we wanted to develop a common understanding of the concept of organisational learning and to highlight the PSA's thoughts on and approach to learning.