All nonconformities identified by Havtil are followed up, and it checks that the companies correct them. It is nevertheless important to emphasise that the companies themselves are responsible for operating safely. That means complying with the regulations.
The companies have a legal duty to correct regulatory breaches, whether they have discovered these for themselves or been alerted to them by the authorities.
What happens with serious breaches?
When Havtil uncovers serious breaches of the regulations, it can apply formal enforcement powers such as orders – a strong, legally-binding instrument directed at serious nonconformities.
Before issuing an order, Havtil usually serves the company concerned with notice that it intends to do so. In some cases, the order is imposed immediately.
What other reactions does have Havtil?
In more acute circumstances, such as hazards or accidents which threaten safety, Havtil has the authority to use even stronger powers. These include ordering the immediate halt of an activity.
It can also impose a coercive fine – to ensure compliance with an order, for example – and administrative fines for serious and repeated breaches of the working environment regulations.