The consent covers use of facilities for electrification of Troll B and Troll C, including associated power cables and substation at Kollsnes.
Troll is a field in the northern part of the North Sea. The water depth in the area is 300-330 metres. Troll was discovered in 1979, and the initial plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1986, and updated in 1990. Production started in 1995.
A phased development was pursued for the Troll field, with Phase I recovering gas reserves in Troll Øst and Phase II focusing on the oil reserves in Troll Vest.
Troll Phase I has been developed with Troll A, which is a fixed wellhead and compression facility with a concrete substructure. Troll Phase II was developed with Troll B, a floating concrete accommodation and production facility, and Troll C, a semi-submersible accommodation and production steel facility.
Troll Phase III (gas production from Troll Vest) started in 2021.
Kollsnes gas processing plant is located in Øygarden municipality in Vestland.
Kollsnes receives rich gas, which is separated into dry gas and NGL (Natural Gas Liquids). The gas is dewatered and compressed, then transported by pipeline via the Sleipner and Draupner platforms to continental Europe. NGL is transported to Mongstad via the Vestprosess pipeline.