The audit was conducted from 12 to 14 November 2024.
The main topics for the audit were emergency preparedness and the company's management system, with associated documentation. We placed emphasis on how the management and organisation of emergency preparedness is ensured by Gassco AS with AS Norske Shell as the TSP (technical service provider) at Nyhamna, including emergency preparedness analyses, staffing plans, competence and performance requirements and emergency preparedness planning.
Follow-up of observations from previous emergency preparedness audits, last carried out in 2022, also formed part of the audit.
We also followed up on how temporary hires, such as ISO contractors, are included and involved in the company’s emergency preparedness, and how cooperation with the civil authorities and emergency services is organised and followed up in daily operations.
The objective of the audit was to obtain confirmation that Gassco as the operator at Nyhamna, with Norske Shell as the TSP, is meeting the requirements for robust emergency preparedness, including capacity and competence in its own emergency response personnel, and the inclusion of temporary hires.
The audit also covered the maintenance of emergency response equipment and materials.
The audit identified four regulatory non-conformities. These comprised:
- Deficient signage and marking in factory and outdoor areas
- Lack of documentation on training in the use of refilling apparatus for breathing air cylinders
- Updating of emergency preparedness analysis and emergency response plan
- Rescue of personnel at height – competence requirements
We also observed one factor that we have chosen to categorise as an improvement point. This concerned:
- Guidelines and routines for handling personal protective equipment and the clarification of dirty and clean zones at the fire station
What happens now?
We have asked Gassco to report to us by 17 January 2025 on how the non-conformities will be addressed, and to give us their assessment of the improvement point observed.