The audit was conducted from 14 to 17 October 2024.


The objective of the audit was to follow up on how Equinor is working to reduce the risk of major accidents and to avoid loss-of-containment incidents in hydrocarbon-carrying systems through the management of activities and barriers related to corrosion under insulation and the integrity of risers and associated safety systems at Gullfaks B. During the audit, we monitored that operations comply with company and regulatory requirements.


We identified one non-conformity concerning fire protection of a structure.

We also identified four improvement points. These concerned:

  • Pipe insulation
  • Deck grating
  • Pipe marking
  • Equipment not in use

What happens next?

We have asked Equinor to report on how the non-conformity will be addressed, and for their assessment of the improvement points observed. The reply deadline is set at 15 December 2024.