The audit was conducted from 20 to 30 November 2023.


The objective of the audit was to verify how the company handles SIL in operations, with a focus on safety systems, and the company’s follow-up of performance requirements, so that the safety level is maintained and improvement measures are implemented where necessary.


The audit identified non-conformities concerning:

  • Overview of barrier performance and follow-up of safety functions
  • Classification of logic testing for the fire and gas system
  • Alarms in the event of loss of overpressure in rooms
  • Overview of disconnected safety systems

We also observed one factor that we have chosen to categorise as an improvement point. This concerned the maintenance of documents.

What happens now?

We have asked Aker BP to report to us by 31 January 2024 on how the non-conformities will be addressed, and to give us their assessment of the improvement point observed.