The audit was conducted from 1 to 5 November 2021, as a joint activity with the Norwegian Environment Agency (Mdir) and the PSA.

The audit was led by Mdir.

The background to the audit was an inspection Mdir carried out at Mongstad in late 2020.

The audit identified the following non-conformities:

  • The company has not performed preventive maintenance of the oily water sewer (OWS) system
  • The OWS system has known weaknesses and areas of potential leakage
  • Deficient marking of the system
  • No measures have been put in place to rectify or compensate for weakened barriers and to ensure adequate independence of weaknesses and barriers
  • The OWS system is operated beyond its operational limits

Mdir and the PSA have asked Equinor to report by 1 February 2022 on how the non-conformities will be addressed.