The audit was carried out in the period 6 March to 1 December 2020.
Johan Castberg will be the northernmost facility on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and has to be designed to operate safely in the intended location. The audit is part of the follow-up of the Johan Castberg development project.
The objective of the audit was to monitor that Equinor, in collaboration with the participants in the Johan Castberg development project, is complying with the preconditions in the PDO, applicable regulations and standards and Equinor's own requirements. The audit focused specifically on Equinor's follow-up of the execution and planned completion of the design of and arrangements for materials handling on the facility and maintenance planning, including preservation, in relation to installations, systems and equipment.
Two non-conformities were identified during the audit. These concerned:
- Scaffolding as a temporary attachment point for a lifting device
- Snow and ice removal
In addition, three improvement points were identified in connection with:
- Materials handling
- Deck hatches in the hull
- Deficient materials handling plan
What happens now?
We have asked Equinor to report on how the non-conformities will be addressed. We have also asked the company for their assessment of the improvement points we observed. The reply deadline is set at 18 May 2021.