The audit was conducted from 7 to 9 October 2019.


The objective of the audit was to verify the outcomes of an audit of the follow-up of materials handling, cranes, lifting and scaffolding/access techniques at Mongstad in 2018.

See Equinor – Mongstad – order following audit of materials handling, crane and lifting operations, scaffolding/access techniques (31 October 2018)


The audit identified overruns of Equinor’s own deadlines, outstanding measures and some improvement points in respect of the follow-up of measures following the audit in 2018.

We also identified two new non-conformities. These concerned deficient compliance with internal requirements and deficiencies in scaffolding.

What happens now?

We have asked Equinor to report on how the non-conformities will be addressed. We have also asked the company for an assessment of those conditions where we observed a potential for improvement.

Equinor has been given a reply deadline of 9 January 2020.