Rowan Stavanger is a class KFELS N jack-up facility, delivered in 2011 by Keppel FELS Shipyard in Singapore.
Rowan Stavanger can accommodate 120 people. The facility is registered in Panama and Det Norske Veritas is the classification society.
Rowan Stavanger and relevant aspects of Rowan Drilling’s organisation and management system are considered to be in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements for the petroleum activities.
The decision is based on the information provided in the AoC application relating to the facility’s technical condition and the applicant’s organisation and management system, as well as verifications carried out by the authorities and other case processing.
The validity of this Acknowledgement of Compliance is contingent upon Rowan Drilling ensuring the facility and relevant aspects of the company’s organisation and management system are maintained, so conditions and assumptions in the PSA’s decision are observed.