Section 9-3 of Norway’s Petroleum Act requires licensees to implement and maintain security measures to help frustrate deliberate attacks on facilities, and to have emergency plans in place at all times for responding to such assaults.
Havtil conducts system-oriented and risk-based supervision of security measures. This work also involves close contact with other relevant government agencies, the companies, and employer associations/unions in the industry.
What is the Security Act?
In addition to supervising security, Havtil has been named the regulatory authority for the petroleum sector pursuant to the Norwegian Security Act.
This statute is designed to protect national security interests. It contributes to preventing, exposing and countering security threats – in other words, intentional acts which could directly or indirectly harm Norway’s security interests.
Pipeline transport of natural gas to Europe and control over petroleum production on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) have been identified as fundamental national functions (GFNs), and individual operator companies are subject to the Security Act.