An AoC expresses Havtil’s confidence that petroleum activities can be pursued by the facility within the regulatory parameters. 

The decision to award an AoC is based on information supplied by the applicant in a specific application. This document must cover both technical conditions on the facility and the company’s organisation and systems for managing safety. 

Havtil uses random checks in selected areas to verify the information provided. This is done through auditing and/or questions put to the contractor.   

What is the object of the scheme?  

The object of the AoC scheme is to clarify responsibility, enhance the efficiency of the consent process and create greater predictability for players in the industry.

Does the AoC represent an approval? 

Nothing in the Norwegian safety regime implies approval by Havtil of any facilities, equipment, components, procedures, qualifications or the like. This is a logical consequence of the principle that the companies are always responsible for their own operations. Approval by the authorities would involve a transfer of responsibility from the companies to the government. 

However, the companies need a certain level of predictability in their activities. Possession of an AoC by a mobile facility simplifies the process when Havtil subsequently receives an application for consent to conduct operations with that rig/facility. The AoC document then forms part of the basis for Havtil’s consideration of the consent application.